"It is a diamond," said the lady, in an agony of distress,—"the child!"
"A diamond! Here, take the kid," cried Blueskin, slipping the infant adroitly
under her scarf. The road
which wound by Westbourne Green, gave him a full view of the hill of
Hampstead with its church, its crest of houses, and its villas peeping from out the
trees. She followed the landlady half way up-stairs, and called up to Ann Veronica,
“May I come up? It’s me! You know—Nettie Miniver!” She appeared before
Ann Veronica could clearly recall who Nettie Miniver might be. If Ray left the house, it would be easy. The day had become
suddenly overcast. A black-garbed young lad leapt out and let down the
steps. I left him
in charge of Quilt Arnold and Rykhart Van Galgebrok—the skipper I spoke of—
with strict orders to shoot him if he made any further attempt at escape; and
they're not lads—the latter especially—to be trifled with.
This video was uploaded to wdqp8.com on 08-09-2024 07:13:21